A suite of tools for buyers

View the entire sale catalogue in real time with extensive features via the new ThoroughWorks app. Create shortlists, conformation reports and upload photos, videos and voice memos to any horse in any sale.

Industry leading catalogue platform

  View current and upcoming Catalogues with additional Vendor loaded information from around the globe

Create conformation reports for each Hip/Lot using your own custom criteria, include photos, voice memos or video

Create short lists to manage and collaborate effectively with other users using professional reports

Review, filter and analyse Sale results and statistics at any time on your mobile device

Increase interaction with the Vendors via improved assets and additional information


Streamline your work flows


Cloud based software

Access your account from anywhere using smartphones, tablets and desktops


Multiple devices

Users can access your account on multiple devices anywhere, anytime


Store your data in one place

Keep all your sales data in one place making it easy to look back over previous sales



Access your account from anywhere using smartphones, tablets and desktops



Round the clock support to help you through all questions


Rich media support

Attach photos, videos and audio files to each update you send

Schedule a demo