A suite of tools for consignors

ThoroughWorks offers consignors many features from pre-sale reporting, sales inspection management, right through to sales accounting, invoicing and much more.

Introducing Live Inspection Management

 Say goodbye to paper inspection cards and hello to digital inspection card management

No more paper cards

Receive, manage and complete all inspection cards directly on your phone or tablet


No more data entry

Your data is entered in real time as you manage your cards, saving you hours of time each day


Instantly share cards between colleagues

Assign new cards, or share a partially completed card to your colleagues for completion from within the app


Discover buyer's previous inspections

Discover which horses have interested buyers enough that they have returned to view them again. Identify the horses buyers have decided to drop from their shortlists


Add Vetwork inspections

Easily record, X-rays, scope reports, vet inspections and heart scans all digitally within the app


SMS buyers

SMS buyers when you are ready to start their card. Maintaining a steady workflow each day

Inspection Management

Record all inspections quickly during the day using the ThoroughWorks app, available on any Apple, Android, or Microsoft device.

  Utilise our web-based consignor portal for desktop users.

Review your inspections, statistics, Sale Documents and more in real-time with useful comparisons to population and previous Sales

Update all of your clients with personalised communications and easily digestible data at the click of a button

Enable Owner Login for your engaged clients for efficient communication of Sales Process

Sales Repository - Automatically sync your repository data alongside your inspection data enabling in-depth analysis of your horse's activity

No limit on Users enables you to keep a large sales team up to date via their mobile devices. Never let a lead pass you by

Sale Documents

Sale documents can be accessed by your team, allowing quick access to critical data when liaising with interested buyers 

Upload the below sale documents into your account using the camera on your device, or directly from your computer;

  • Health Certificates
  • Pedigree Proof Pages
  • Additional Pedigree Research Documents
  • X-Ray Reports
  • Scope Reports
  • Vet Reports
  • Surgery Reports
  • Eye Certificates

    And more...

Sale Reporting

Access a wide range of sales reports that can be sent before the sale, at the sale, and after the sale;

  • Ship In Reports
  • Pedigree Proof Pages
  • Sale Documents and Media
  • Vetwork Summaries
  • Inspection Reports
  • Contracts

Sale Accounting

Customise and record all costs, credits, commissions and payments throughout the preparation for clear, concise and customisable invoices for your clients for each sale.

Generate custom financial reports for a specific owner, sale or date range. Giving you insight into all your consignment's financials.

Generate and send invoices individually or in bulk whenever required, from any device and with total ease.

Record Payments sent and received between you and your owners

Hear what our clients have to say

  • zIbi4-W4_400x400 (1)

    At Widden Stud, the latest ThoroughWorks updates have transformed our thoroughbred sales operations. The Live Inspection Management platform allows efficient management of inspection cards via mobile devices, significantly reducing data entry and saving time. Features like the inspection order tool enhance operational efficiency, while active card monitoring ensures all horses are inspected before returning to the stable. Looking ahead, we plan to introduce QR Code Access in 2024 to streamline processes further. These innovations have notably improved our efficiency and sales experience

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    “The team here at Baroda Stud have been using ThoroughWorks for the best part of 10 years and it is an integral tool for both our farm and consigning businesses. There are many facets to their software but, most importantly for us, our owners can be kept informed efficiently about the horses that have entrusted to us. Jack and his team are very forward-thinking and we are excited by their plans to improve their already user-friendly offering”

  • WJ3nqBa1_400x400-jpg

    I've really enjoyed using the Buyer version of the ThoroughWorks app this year. They’ve taken the shortlisiting to another level, the ability to view additional vendor uploads is a big plus along with having all the relevant lot information in one place. It marries up research and inspection notes nicely. Given the environment we are in, technology is playing a major role in Bloodstock Sales and ThoroughWorks is at the forefront.

  • paramount-sales-squarelogo-1639134672482 (1)-png-1

    The accounting module is equally as important and easy to use for each sale. The ability to record all costs, commissions, and credits for each sale saves us hours compared to traditional methods. ThoroughWorks handles all our owner equities and produces professional invoices we send to all owners instantly after each sale. Always on hand to assist any of our team, Jack’s level of customer support ensures any issues or questions that arise are dealt with quickly and efficiently.

  • _PHfzYfM_400x400-png

    ThoroughWorks has become an integral part of our selling process. Jack Halford is excellent at explaining how we can get the best out of the ThoroughWorks system so our team can provide information to our clients in an efficient manner. He totally understands our business and I would recommend him highly

  • eo1K5SZi_400x400-jpg

    The ThoroughWorks app has been an excellent tool for both our staff and clients. From a sales standpoint, ThoroughWorks lets owners view their horses’ inspections in real time and provides a well-organized summary report at the end of each day. We look forward to continuing to utilize ThoroughWorks and vital role it plays in our client communications both on the farm and during sales.

  • Z7WXUgZs_400x400-png

    Our experience with Thoroughworks at the Tattersalls December Foal Sale was exceptional. With a consignment of 54 horses and over 2000 shows in just 5 days, managing the logistics was a daunting task. But thanks to Thoroughworks, we were able to stay organized and professional throughout the week, with minimum stress. This helped keep our buying customers and paying clients happy and satisfied. In fact, we now consider Thoroughworks an indispensable tool for any future sale. Jack, who assisted us, was always available and extremely helpful. We highly recommend Thoroughworks to anyone in the industry.

  • paramount-sales-squarelogo-1639134672482 (1)-png-1

    As a perennial leading consignor in North America, it is essential for the Paramount Sales team to have access to platforms that aid in ensuring that the sales management experience of our clients - ThoroughWorks is very much that platform! Giving us the ability to send customizable reports to clients before the sales, the communication of key data, and the facet of conducting our on-site inspections using the paperless tool, we consider ThoroughWorks an essential tool that we could not do without.

  • eo1K5SZi_400x400-jpg

    The ThoroughWorks app has been an excellent tool for both our staff and clients. From a sales standpoint, ThoroughWorks lets owners view their horses’ inspections in real-time and provides a well-organized summary report at the end of each day. We look forward to continuing to utilize ThoroughWorks and vital role it plays in our client communications both on the farm and during sales. Additionally, from the standpoint of a breeding farm, the app allows for all breeding activity to be condensed in one place for the owner to see as well as providing the always-loved foal pictures as they grow

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    The ThoroughWorks app stands out due to its simplicity and efficiency. The ability to swiftly generate Scopes, X-Rays, and Clinical reports using my pre-configured comments is truly exceptional – it's set to transform my workflow for Reporting this year, significantly cutting down on manual typing. Additionally, the app's feature of saving reports as PDFs directly to my Files, coupled with the option to categorize them by client, is invaluable. The convenience of effortlessly sharing them via WhatsApp, SMS, or Email adds another layer of brilliance. I'm certain my clients will value receiving their reports even before I've left their premises.

  • TFB Equine Logo-png

    Working multiple sales per year, with multiple doctors in our practice, we have been looking for a more efficient way to complete our sales exams. Having used Thoroughworks this summer has shown us that a system exists that answers our needs. Thoroughworks is an efficient and professional way to perform our exams at sales and effectively communicate our findings with our clients. Jack Halford has been extremely helpful in answering our questions and customizing the system to make its flow match our needs. I highly recommend taking a look at what they have to offer

  • Dr Gustavo Vautier DVM Logo-jpg

    I want to thank Jack and the ThoroughWorks team for your exceptional product. As a Veterinarian, it has greatly enhanced my professionalism and streamlined my tasks. ThoroughWorks keeps me at the cutting edge of veterinary technology, meeting my clients' needs and improving my practice significantly. It’s become essential in providing superior care and service to horse owners. I value your dedication and innovation, which have notably improved my workflow and client experience. Thank you for advancing veterinary medicine. I look forward to our continued collaboration

  • Newgate Logo-png

    Newgate Farm has been using ThoroughWorks for several years and finds it to be an invaluable tool at the sales. The program is easy to use and provides our clients with a professional and informative report at the end of each day.

  • willow-park-stud-logo-png

    Everyone in the industry knows I love my stats and ThoroughWorks has made my life so much easier at the sales. It’s so user-friendly and my clients can’t do without the details inspections updates each evening. It’s a must-have for every professional consignor.

  • Sledmere Logo Blue Edit-jpg

    We found ThoroughWorks to be a great tool to be able to communicate with out clients and it’s an integral part of our success at the sales. It’s imperative to keep your clients up to date with all inspections and how the horses have been received. This allows them to be part of the whole sales experience and as people all know, the sales are a very busy and intense times and ThoroughWorks allows you to keep up to speed with how each individual horse is going, with ease.

  • Valiant Stud logo-png

    All the new features are fantastic, we can see how many x-ray hits the horses are getting...

  • Lanes End-jpg

    We have been very pleased with our switch to the ThoroughWorks system to track our sales activity. It’s proven to be extremely user friendly and time efficient and has been well received by our consignment clients. Additionally, we love the ability to customise reports to suit our needs. The ThoroughWorks team’s service is unparalleled.

  • Klawervlei logo-png

    Klawervlei Stud (PTY) Ltd has been using Thoroughworks since 2017 to monitor and gauge the interest in our horses at our major sales. Their software is user friendly, client orientated, customisable, fast and time efficient to use. The reporting interface is very comprehensive and enables us to provide our clients (and ourselves) with focused reporting that is super easy to understand – be it via direct email or print.

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    Very quick, and very easily digestible information.....we're huge fans and couldn't be happier to endorse it

  • stonehouse logo-jpg-Apr-15-2024-02-43-49-8628-PM

    We've been using ThoroughWorks from right when it started and its been absolutely brilliant tool for us