Scope Reports
Create thorough Scope Reports with customisable scales and pre-defined comments, saving you time with each report.
Scope reporting made easy
Create comprehensive scope reports effortlessly from your mobile device or tablet.
Our platform offers the convenience of generating reports on-site at sales events or while on the go.
Pre defined comments
Use pre-defined comments for lane grading and exam notes when creating scope reports.
This feature streamlines the reporting process ensuring accurate and consistent results.
Tailored reports for every client
Effortlessly customise scope reports for each client by editing existing reports.
This enables you to create personalised and detailed reports faster, ensuring that every report meets your clients' specific requirements.
Scan and attach PDF's to reports
Use your device's camera to scan documents and instantly convert them into PDF's for easy attachment to your reports.
This allows you to quickly include necessary documents in your reports, all from your mobile device.
Upload media directly from your device
Upload photos, videos, and audio recordings directly from your mobile device or tablet and attach them to your reports.
Instantly share scope reports with clients
Send scope reports quickly and conveniently as PDFs via Email, SMS, or WhatsApp.
This ensures that your clients receive reports via their preferred communication method.