Introducing our new Veterinarian reporting platform for worldwide thoroughbred sales

Building upon our success in providing consignors with an advanced Inspection management platform, we are excited to extend the capabilities of the ThoroughWorks catalogue platform to buyers, bloodstock agents and veterinarians.

We have worked extensively with industry-leading veterinarians to develop an all-in-one platform to equip you with the necessary tools for Vet Report management at thoroughbred sales worldwide.

Our platform now enables you to access all sales catalogues as well as create reports effortlessly from your phone, tablet, or desktop.

Create Veterinary reports using your phone and tablet

  Create comprehensive X-Ray reports that include risk ratings, comments, and media for each area of a horse's X-Ray Series. 
Expedite your reporting process by saving and inserting commonly used comments

Effortlessly generate scope reports that include lane grade, comments and media for horses in a catalogue. 
Save and utilise commonly used comments for each report, enhancing efficiency

Craft detailed clinical reports for all areas of a horse, enabling you to record abnormalities, comments and media efficiently

Compile and send overall findings reports to clients, encompassing x-ray, scope, and clinical reports from both you and your colleagues

Our platform enables you to generate professional horse conformation reports, offering a detailed overview of each horse's conformation and physical attributes

Features available to you


Access global sales catalogues

Get a comprehensive overview of the market with access to all sales catalogues from around the world


Sales results and statistics

Track sales results and statistics to gain further insights into the market as well as the progress of your sales


Receive vet report requests

Submit lists of horses for vet reports to your veterinarian, simplifying the process by collating all the information you need in one place


Advanced shortlisting

Build and share advanced shortlists with your team, making it easier to collaborate and make swift, well-informed decisions


Access your horses Inspections

View inspections of your own horses, giving you valuable insights into their popularity and sale potential


Collaborate with your team

Track and review all reports, media and notes from your team, ensuring everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals


X-Ray/Scope/Clinical Reporting

Create professional horse conformation reports that highlight key physical attributes and provide crucial insights into each horse's potential


View additional media and reports

Gain access to extra media and reports provided by consignors, offering you a more comprehensive overview of each horse


Multi device access

Access your account and data from your phone, tablet, and desktop, making it easy to stay up-to- date from anywhere

"Working multiple sales per year, with multiple doctors in our practice, we have been looking for a more efficient way to complete our sales exams. Having used Thoroughworks this summer has shown us that a system exists that answers our needs. Thoroughworks is an efficient and professional way to perform our exams at sales and effectively communicate our findings with our clients. Jack Halford has been extremely helpful in answering our questions and customizing the system to make its flow match our needs. I highly recommend taking a look at what they have to offer."

"The ThoroughWorks app stands out due to its simplicity and efficiency. The ability to swiftly generate Scopes, X-Rays, and Clinical reports using my pre-configured comments is truly exceptional – it's set to transform my workflow for Reporting this year, significantly cutting down on manual typing. Additionally, the app's feature of saving reports as PDFs directly to my Files, coupled with the option to categorize them by client, is invaluable. The convenience of effortlessly sharing them via WhatsApp, SMS, or Email adds another layer of brilliance. I'm certain my clients will value receiving their reports even before I've left their premises.”

"I wanted to express my sincere gratitude to Jack and the entire ThoroughWorks team for the exceptional product you’ve developed. As a Veterinarian, I’ve found immense value in your product, which has elevated my professionalism and streamlined my daily tasks significantly. ThoroughWorks has been instrumental in keeping me at the forefront of veterinary technology, allowing me to stay ahead in my field and meet my client’s evolving needs. It has become an indispensable tool in my practice, enabling me to provide top-notch patient care and superior service to horse owners. I genuinely appreciate ThoroughWorks’ dedication and innovation, which have improved my workflow and enhanced the overall experience for my clients. They understand the advanced solutions and excellent service I can now offer them. Thank you for your outstanding product and commitment to advancing the field of veterinary medicine. I look forward to continuing our collaboration and exploring new opportunities for growth and excellence in my practice."